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Well, I have to say the answer to both questions is probably DataBee ..... (
www.databee.com <http://www.databee.com> ) , although not via a script.
Just been using it quite a bit recently, so your question elicited an
immediate response.
Comparison is two-part, of course - DDL and data. Databee excellent for
former. On data comparisons you will need a different solution, which will
depend on the size of your tables. More on that if required.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 7:59 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

I am looking for a script to compare an entire database instance against
another.  (From [EMAIL PROTECTED], etc).


I do not want something that has to be done by schema, as I have 50+
schema's to compare.




ALSO - on a side note, is there an 'easy' way of duplicating a PRODUCTION
database over to test, without copying the db files?



Michael E. Cupp, Jr.

(tm)*** Email:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

** Phone:     937-255-1982         DSN 785-1982

** Fax:         937-656-4308         DSN 986-4308

** Location:    DET 1 AFRL/WSI

                           Bldg 45, Room 062

                           2130 8th St

                           WPAFB OH 45433


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<BODY lang=EN-US vLink=purple link=blue>
<DIV><SPAN class=315080712-14112003><FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff size=2>Well, 
I have to say the answer to both questions is probably DataBee ..... (<A 
href="http://www.databee.com";>www.databee.com</A>) , although not via a 
<DIV><SPAN class=315080712-14112003><FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
<DIV><SPAN class=315080712-14112003><FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff size=2>Just 
been using it quite a bit recently, so your question elicited an immediate 
<DIV><SPAN class=315080712-14112003><FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
<DIV><SPAN class=315080712-14112003><FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
size=2>Comparison is two-part, of course - DDL and data. Databee excellent for 
former. On data comparisons you will need a different solution, which will 
depend on the size of your tables. More on that if required.</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=315080712-14112003><FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
<DIV><SPAN class=315080712-14112003><FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
<DIV><SPAN class=315080712-14112003><FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
<DIV><SPAN class=315080712-14112003><FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
<DIV><SPAN class=315080712-14112003><FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr 
style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid; 
  <DIV class=OutlookMessageHeader dir=ltr align=left><FONT face=Tahoma 
  size=2>-----Original Message-----<BR><B>From:</B> Cupp Michael E Contr Det 1 
  AFRL/WSI [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<BR><B>Sent:</B> Thursday, November 
  13, 2003 7:59 PM<BR><B>To:</B> Multiple recipients of list 
  ORACLE-L<BR><B>Subject:</B> Database Compare Script<BR><BR></FONT></DIV>
  <DIV class=Section1>
  <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">I am looking for a script to 
  compare an entire database instance against another.&nbsp; (From 
  <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"></SPAN></FONT>&nbsp;</P>
  <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">I do not want something that has 
  to be done by schema, as I have 50+ schema's to compare.</SPAN></FONT></P>
  <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"></SPAN></FONT>&nbsp;</P>
  <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"></SPAN></FONT>&nbsp;</P>
  <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"></SPAN></FONT>&nbsp;</P>
  <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">ALSO - on a side note, is there an 
  'easy' way of duplicating a PRODUCTION database over to test, without copying 
  the db files?</SPAN></FONT></P>
  <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"></SPAN></FONT>&nbsp;</P>
  <P class=MsoNormal style="LINE-HEIGHT: 6pt"><FONT face=Courier color=blue 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Courier">---</SPAN></FONT></P>
  <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=blue size=4><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 13.5pt; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: 'Comic Sans MS'">Michael 
  E. Cupp, Jr.</SPAN></FONT></P>
  <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face=Webdings color=blue size=3><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Webdings">(tm)</SPAN></FONT><FONT 
  face=Webdings color=navy><SPAN 
  style="COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Webdings">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<FONT 
  face="Courier New"></FONT><FONT face="Courier New"></FONT><FONT FACE="Courier 
  face=Tahoma color=navy size=1><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: 
  </SPAN></FONT><U><FONT face=Tahoma color=blue size=1><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma">[EMAIL 
  <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face=Wingdings color=green size=3><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; COLOR: green; FONT-FAMILY: Wingdings">(</SPAN></FONT><FONT 
  face=Wingdings color=navy><SPAN 
  style="COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Wingdings">&nbsp;<FONT 
  face="Courier New"></FONT><FONT face="Courier New"></FONT><FONT FACE="Courier 
  face=Tahoma color=navy size=1><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma">Phone: 
  937-255-1982&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; DSN 
  <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face=Wingdings color=maroon size=3><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; COLOR: maroon; FONT-FAMILY: Wingdings">2</SPAN></FONT><FONT 
  face=Wingdings color=navy><SPAN 
  style="COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Wingdings">&nbsp;<FONT 
  face="Courier New"></FONT><FONT face="Courier New"></FONT><FONT FACE="Courier 
  face=Tahoma color=navy size=1><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma">Fax: 
  937-656-4308&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; DSN 
  <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face=Wingdings color=purple size=3><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; COLOR: purple; FONT-FAMILY: Wingdings">-</SPAN></FONT><FONT 
  face=Wingdings color=navy><SPAN 
  style="COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Wingdings">&nbsp;<FONT 
  face="Courier New"></FONT><FONT face="Courier New"></FONT><FONT FACE="Courier 
  face=Tahoma color=navy size=1><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: 
  <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face=Tahoma color=navy size=1><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: 
  Bldg 45, Room 062</SPAN></FONT></P>
  <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face=Tahoma color=navy size=1><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: 
  </SPAN></FONT><FONT face=Tahoma color=navy size=1><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma">2130 8th 
  <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face=Tahoma color=navy size=1><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: 
  WPAFB OH 45433</SPAN></FONT></P>
  <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3><SPAN 
  style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt"></SPAN></FONT>&nbsp;</P></DIV></BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE=3><BR>
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Author: Robson, Peter

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