Nesse artigo vc tem exemplos de como mudar os valores....



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jemerson Dutra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 1:51 PM
Subject: [oracle_br] Re: Performance Horrivel

Phael, fiz as alterações que vc disse mas segundo os exemplos do
SHARIF o AIX nao pegou a configuracao, ele continua com os parametros

# vmo -a
        memory_frames = 1572864
      pinnable_frames = 1432380
              maxfree = 144
              minfree = 128
             minperm% = 20     <-----------
              minperm = 290532
             maxperm% = 80     <-----------
              maxperm = 1162131
       strict_maxperm = 0
              maxpin% = 80
               maxpin = 1258292
           maxclient% = 80     <-----------
            lrubucket = 131072

--- Em, "Sharif G Raduan"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu
> no metalink vc pode encontrar notas de tunning no AIX, mas o
minperm /
> maxparm é a quantidade de memória para cache de file systens,
quando vc está
> utilizando oracle não precisa dessas quantidades grandes que são
>       Subject:  AIX: Database performance gets slower the longer
> database is running
>         Doc ID:  Note:316533.1 Type:  PROBLEM
>         Last Revision Date:  24-MAR-2006 Status:  PUBLISHED
> In this Document
>   Symptoms
>   Cause
>   Solution
>   References
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Applies to:
> Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version:
> AIX5L Based Systems (64-bit)
> AIX Based Systems (32-bit)
> Bull Escala RL AIX (64-bit)
> AIX 4.3 Based Systems (64-bit)
> Oracle databases running on AIX based systems.
> Symptoms
> Database performance continues to get slower and slower the longer
> database is left running.  You may also notice a continuing
increase in the
> amount of paging space usage the longer the database is left
> However, database performance returns to normal after rebooting the
> or shutting down and restarting the database.
> Cause
> It is likely that you have not tuned the AIX Virtual Memory Manager
> The default values for the AIX VMM are generally not appropriate
for use
> with relational databases.  The default values for the AIX VMM will
> gradually allow up to 80% of physical memory to be used to buffer
file I/O.
> Since Oracle is already buffering file I/O in the SGA, the same
data is
> unnecessarily being buffered twice, and leaves only 20% of physical
> to run the Oracle database(s) and all other programs.  This causes
> majority of the Oracle database to be pushed out of physical memory
> paging space, thus greatly impacting database performance.
> The information in this article does not apply, or the impact will
be much
> less, if you are using one or more of the following storage types
for the
> database datafiles, because AIX does not buffer file I/O for these
> Raw logical volumes, filesystems using the Concurrent I/O (CIO)
> filesystems using the Direct I/O (DIO) option
> Note that there is no "built-in" support for CIO or DIO in Oracle
> 9iR2 (9.2.0) or lower, though you can force the use of CIO (JFS2)
or DIO
> (JFS) with filesystem mount options.
> Also note that tuning the AIX VMM is outside the scope of Oracle
> If you need help with checking, setting, or tuning the AIX VMM
beyond what
> is covered in this article, you must contact your AIX systems
> and/or IBM Support for further assistance.
> Solution
> To check whether your system is using the untuned default values
for the AIX
> VMM, run the command:
> /usr/sbin/vmo -a
> If you do not have the /usr/sbin/vmo file you will need to have
your AIX
> systems administrator load the AIX fileset "bos.perf.tune".  The
vmo command
> will list out all of the VMM parameters and their current values.
> parameters you want to examine are:
> Here is an example of the vmo report:
> # vmo -a
> memory_frames = 1572864
> pinnable_frames = 1431781
> maxfree = 1088
> minfree = 960
> minperm% = 20
> minperm = 294356
> maxperm% = 80
> maxperm = 1177427
> strict_maxperm = 0
> maxpin% = 80
> maxpin = 1258292
> maxclient% = 80
> lrubucket = 131072
> .
> The untuned default settings are MINPERM%=20%, MAXPERM%=80%, and
> MAXCLIENT%=80%.  There is no "correct" value for these parameters
and only
> extensive testing will reveal the optimal values.  The optimal
value may be
> different for different databases on the same system, so keep this
in mind
> when tuning the VMM and choose values which work best for all of
> databases you will be running on the system.  Use the following
values as a
> starting point:
> MINPERM% = 10-15%, MAXPERM% = 20-30%, MAXCLIENT% = MAXPERM%
> To get a snapshot of how much physical memory is being used by AIX
to buffer
> file I/O, run the command:
> /usr/bin/svmon -G
> The svmon command is part of the same AIX fileset "bos.perf.tune"
that vmo
> belongs to.  The last line of the svmon output should be "in use".
Add the
> values for "in use / pers" and "in use / clnt".  Now divide the sum
by the
> value for "memory / size".  For best database performance, this
value should
> generally not be higher than 30% (0.30).
> Here is an example of the svmon output:
> # svmon -G
>                      size       inuse     free        pin
> memory  131072   129432   1640   11704   50091
> pg space 262144   100913
>             work       pers      clnt  lpage
> pin      11704           0         0     0
> in use  47062   76126   6244     0
> In this example, (in use / pers) 76126 plus (in use / clnt) 6244
> 82370.  82370 divided by (memory / size) 131072 equals 0.628 or
> approximately 63% of physical memory being used by AIX to buffer
file I/O.
> This indicates the AIX VMM needs to be tuned to allow more physical
> to be used by Oracle and other processes, and less physical memory
to be
> used to buffer file I/O.
> Remember that although AIX associates this memory with the Oracle
> (because Oracle requested the file I/O), all of the memory used to
> file I/O is completely allocated and controlled by AIX, not
Oracle.  If you
> need help checking, setting, or tuning the AIX VMM, contact your
AIX systems
> administrator and/or IBM Support.  You may also want to review the
> "Performance Management Guide" by IBM linked in the References
> below.
> UPDATE: After this article was originally written, IBM has
introduced a new
> VMM parameter which is also very helpful with this issue. The
> is...
> lru_file_repage
> The default value is "1", but it is recommended to set this to "0".
> setting hints to the VMM to only steal file pages (from the AIX
file buffer
> cache) and leave the computational pages (from the SGA) alone.
> This new lru_file_repage parameter is only available on AIX 5.2
ML04+ and
> AIX 5.3 ML01+
> []´s
> Sharif
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Phael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 11:10 AM
> Subject: Re: [oracle_br] Re: Performance Horrivel
> > Jemerson,
> >
> > Também não sou nenhum especialista em AIX.
> > Na verdade quando tive problemas de performance no AIX
> > fiz varios tunings na base e se esgotaram as
> > tentativas de melhoras, tendo pouco sucesso. Chamei um
> > tecnico para otimizar o AIX e ele me disse que esse parametro
> > controla a distribuição da memória Cache da máquina sendo que
> > por default ele libera 80% do recurso para o SO e 20% para
> > demais softwares... vai entende isso??? estiver falando
> > alguem me corrija por facor.....enfim  mudei esse parametro!!!
> > Como estavam tendo bastante paginação e swap a mudança
> > dessa configuração pra 10% e 5% foi otima acabando com
> > os problemas de paginações e swap.
> > Esse procedimento foi feito em um AIX 4.3.3 mas acho que
> > serve para o AIX 5.2.
> > Não custa tentar, caso não der certo é só remover a linha e
> > entrar em contato com algum especialista em AIX para
> > entender melhor esses reajuste.
> >
> > atc
> >
> > Raphael
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----- 
> > From: "Jemerson Dutra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 10:45 AM
> > Subject: [oracle_br] Re: Performance Horrivel
> >
> >
> > Raphael, desculpe minha ignorancia mas o que esses parametros
> > controlam? e o que eles farao??
> > Jemerson
> >
> > --- Em, "Phael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>
> >> aff...
> >> errei o caminho.
> >> /usj.... troque para  /usr...
> >>
> >> vmtune:2:once:/usr/samples/kernel/vmtune -p5 -P10 -r8 -R16 -
f128 -
> > F144
> >>
> >> Raphael
> >>
> >> ----- Original Message ----- 
> >> From: "Phael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> To: <>
> >> Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 8:48 AM
> >> Subject: Re: [oracle_br] Re: Performance Horrivel
> >>
> >>
> >> > Jemerson,
> >> >
> >> > Adicione esssa linha no seu arquivo /etc/inittab
> >> >
> >> > vmtune:2:once:/usj/samples/kernel/vmtune -p5 -P10 -r8 -R16 -
f128 -
> > F144
> >> >
> >> > reinicie a maquina!
> >> >
> >> > E rode de novo o vmtune para ver se as alterações foram feitas:
> >> > esses parametros deverão ser reajustados...
> >> > minperm% = 20   para 5
> >> > maxperm% = 80  para 10
> >> >
> >> > Atc
> >> >
> >> > Raphael
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > ----- Original Message ----- 
> >> > From: "Jemerson Dutra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> > To: <>
> >> > Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 7:57 AM
> >> > Subject: [oracle_br] Re: Performance Horrivel
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Raphael, segue o resultado do vmtune
> >> >
> >> > memory_frames = 1048576
> >> > pinnable_frames = 940632
> >> > maxfree = 128
> >> > minfree = 120
> >> > minperm% = 20
> >> > minperm = 193333
> >> > maxperm% = 80
> >> > maxperm = 773332
> >> > strict_maxperm = 0
> >> > maxpin% = 80
> >> > maxpin = 838861
> >> > maxclient% = 80
> >> > lrubucket = 131072
> >> > defps = 1
> >> > nokilluid = 0
> >> > numpsblks = 1081344
> >> > npskill = 8448
> >> > npswarn = 33792
> >> > v_pinshm = 0
> >> > pta_balance_threshold = 0
> >> > pagecoloring = 0
> >> > framesets = 2
> >> > mempools = 1
> >> > lgpg_size = 0
> >> > lgpg_regions = 0
> >> > num_spec_dataseg = 0
> >> > spec_dataseg_int = 512
> >> > memory_affinity = 1
> >> > htabscale = -1
> >> > force_relalias_lite = 0
> >> > relalias_percentage = 0
> >> > data_stagger_interval = 161
> >> > large_page_heap_size = 0
> >> > kernel_heap_psize = 4096
> >> > soft_min_lgpgs_vmpool = 0
> >> > vmm_fork_policy = 0
> >> > low_ps_handling = 1
> >> > mbuf_heap_psize = 4096
> >> > strict_maxclient = 1
> >> > cpu_scale_memp = 8
> >> > lru_poll_interval = 0
> >> > lru_file_repage = 1
> >> > memory_frames = 1048576
> >> > minpgahead = 2
> >> > memory_frames = 1048576
> >> > minpgahead = 2
> >> > maxpgahead = 8
> >> > pd_npages = 65536
> >> > maxrandwrt = 0
> >> > numclust = 1
> >> > numfsbufs = 196
> >> > sync_release_ilock = 0
> >> > lvm_bufcnt = 9
> >> > j2_minPageReadAhead = 2
> >> > j2_maxPageReadAhead = 128
> >> > j2_nBufferPerPagerDevice = 512
> >> > j2_nPagesPerWriteBehindCluster = 32
> >> > j2_maxRandomWrite = 0
> >> > j2_nRandomCluster = 0
> >> > j2_non_fatal_crashes_system = 0
> >> > j2_syncModifiedMapped = 1
> >> > jfs_clread_enabled = 0
> >> > jfs_use_read_lock = 1
> >> > hd_pvs_opn = 6
> >> > hd_pbuf_cnt = 1280
> >> > j2_inodeCacheSize = 400
> >> > j2_metadataCacheSize = 400
> >> > j2_dynamicBufferPreallocation = 16
> >> > j2_maxUsableMaxTransfer = 512
> >> > pgahd_scale_thresh = 0
> >> > hd_pendqblked = 0
> >> > psbufwaitcnt = 347632
> >> > fsbufwaitcnt = 1541572
> >> > rfsbufwaitcnt = 0
> >> > xpagerbufwaitcnt = 0
> >> > --- Em, "Phael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > escreveu
> >> >>
> >> >> Ola Jemerson,
> >> >>
> >> >> Ja tive problemas com performance com AIX.
> >> >> No meu caso o problema era com um parametro do SO.
> >> >> Distrubuição da memória cache.
> >> >>
> >> >> executa esse arquivo ai:
> >> >>
> >> >> # /usjr/samples/kernel/vmtune
> >> >>
> >> >> colo o resultado ai.
> >> >>
> >> >> Raphael
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> ----- Original Message ----- 
> >> >> From: "Jemerson Dutra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> >> To: <>
> >> >> Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 2:35 PM
> >> >> Subject: [oracle_br] Re: Performance Horrivel
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Ae chiappa, da uma ajuda ai.
> >> >> Jemerson
> >> >> --- Em, "Jemerson Dutra"
> >> >> escreveu
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Senhores, estamos com um servidor em producao que foi criado
> > com
> >> >> > alguns parametros default por causa de um ERP. Nos deparamos
> > apos
> >> >> 35
> >> >> > dias, que o servidor esta com uma performance horrivel.
> > Gostaria
> >> > da
> >> >> > ajuda dos senhores, comentando/incluindo e ou alterando meu
> >> >> init.ora.
> >> >> > Servidor IBM AIX 5.2
> >> >> > 4GB RAM
> >> >> > 4GB SWAP
> >> >> > 2 CPUS DE 1.2GHZ
> >> >> > ORACLE 10GB DE BANCO
> >> >> > CRIADO BLOCK_SIZE 4096KB
> >> >> > # initMFGPRO.ora - oracle instance parameter file
> >> >> > # include database configuration parameters
> >> >> > ifile = /Hdados2/admin/MFGPRO/config.MFGPRO
> >> >> > open_cursors = 512
> >> >> > # NLS Parameters
> >> >> >   NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = ".,"
> >> >> > # tuning parameters
> >> >> >   db_files = 200
> >> >> >   db_file_multiblock_read_count = 32               # LARGE
> >> >> > # --- Autor : Jemerson - Data: 20/02/2006
> >> >> > # ----------------------------------------
> >> >> >   shared_pool_size = 300000000  ## 400000000
> >> >> > # ----------------------------------------
> >> >> > sort_area_size = 262144 ## 1048576
> >> > LARGE
> >> >> > sort_area_retained_size = 262144 ##
> >> >> 1048576
> >> >> > # LARGE
> >> >> > large_pool_size = 155000000 #250000000 #155000000 ##
> > 100000000  #
> >> >> > 80MIL   large_pool_size = 614400
> >> >> > java_pool_size  = 20971520 ##100000000
> >> >> > # ----------------------------------------
> >> >> >   log_checkpoint_interval = 10000
> >> >> >   processes = 450 #500 #
600                                  #
> >> >> LARGE
> >> >> >   log_buffer = 2048000 #
1048576                             #
> >> > LARGE
> >> >> >   max_dump_file_size = 10240 # limit trace file size to 5M
> >> >> >   compatible=9.2.0
> >> >> >   UTL_FILE_DIR=*               # if you want to use SQL
> >> >> > optimizer_mode = CHOOSE
> >> >> > # ----------------------------------------
> >> >> > # liberado em 19/09/2005
> >> >> > # ----------------------------------------
> >> >> > dispatchers="(PROTOCOL=TCP) (dispatchers=20)"
> >> >> > service_names= MFGPRO
> >> >> > instance_name= MFGPRO
> >> >> > # ----------------------------------------
> >> >> > # melhoria no servicos MTS 10/10/2005
> >> >> > # Autor: Jemerson Dutra
> >> >> > mts_max_servers=100
> >> >> > mts_servers=40
> >> >> > mts_max_dispatchers=40
> >> >> > dml_locks = 3408            # LARGE
> >> >> > open_links = 4
> >> >> > sort_multiblock_read_count = 4
> >> >> > dbwr_io_slaves = 2
> >> >> > DB_CACHE_SIZE = 17825792
> >> >> > session_cached_cursors=100
> >> >> > timed_statistics = false;
> >> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> --------------------------------------------------------------
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