Olá Emerson,


Você consegue sim usar Windows 32 bit’s com 8 GB de RAM. Claro o Windows
sendo o “Enterprise Edition SP2”

Porem precisa de alguns refinamentos no boot.ini e nos parâmetros de seu
Banco, para que o Oracle passe a trabalhar com a memória que você necessita.



* Adicione o paramentro /PAE /3GB 

Segue instruções abaixo, no qual para mim funciona muito bem, porem ajustes
de memória dependem de fatores seus ai, porem ao funcionar vai achar
estranho que no Windows Task Manager o Windows já vai estar alocando 5,58 GB
(no meu caso) mas é assim mesmo. Somente cuidar que os parâmetros do Oracle
não são fáceis de colocar funcionar, recomendo ser base instalada do zero
para testes. Mas funciona muito bem sim.






 <http://nodhead.ch/WordPress/?p=57> AWE memory configuration on Windows

Jun 27th, 2007 by  <http://nodhead.ch/WordPress/?author=2> Måns 

AWE (Address Windowing Extensions) or VLM 

On 32-bit Windows a process can only attach memory segments to a maximum of
2GB. However if you have more than 4GB of memory installed, you may
configure Windows to “port” a process wanting to use more than 2GB to use
the memory above 4GB. This note explains how to do this with an Oracle 9i
database running on Windows 2003 enterprise edition.

Note: AWE can NOT be used on the following versions of Windows:

* Windows 2000 Server (Standard)
* Windows 2000 Professional
* Windows XP Home Edition
* Windows XP Professional
* Windows 2003 Standard Edition
* Windows 2003 Web Edition

To enable VLM configuration on Windows 32-bit systems you need to set a
number of
parameters. This post explains which parameters need to be set, how to
calculate them
and which function they serve.

*       Operating system parameters: 


You must first edit the file C:\boot.ini which is normally hidden and write
protected. There are two parameters available: /3GB and /PAE

/3GB enables a single process to attach 3GB of memory.
/PAE enables access to memory above 4GB to be mapped for a process.

You can set either one of these parameters to fulfill your purpose. However,
you may not set the /PAE if you have a maximum of 4GB of physical RAM
available since this parameter maps to the memory space above 4GB. If you
have more than 4GB, you may set both parameters simultaneously. If you have
both parameters set, you will only be able to address up to 16GB of RAM. To
address more, you must remove the /3GB switch.

Your boot.ini would look something like this:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS=”Windows Server 2003,
Enterprise” /fastdetect /3GB /PAE /NoExecute=OptOut

Registry settings:

The parameter AWE_WINDOW_MEMORY should be set. This parameter has a default
value of 1GB. So, if you don’t set this parameter at all, the value will be
1GB. The AWE_WINDOW_MEMORY uses memory within the 3GB address space.

Calculating the parameter AWE_WINDOW_MEMORY:

To be able to calculate this parameter you must first have the following
- number of CPUs (if hyperthreading you must use the physical number)
- physical RAM
- database block size

You calculate the value in 4 steps:

2. MAX_BUFFER_POOLS = 8 (constant)

Note: If the AWE_WINDOW_MEMORY registry parameter is left unset (1GB) and if
you have not set the /3GB switch, Oracle will try to allocate 1GB within the
2GB memory area. This will leave you with very small settings for all
parameters that do not use the AWE like shared_pool_size.


*       Oracle parameters (init.ora): 

To use VLM in your database you must use some old parameters. DB_CACHE_SIZE,
with their previous parameters:


In order to activate VLM you MUST set the USE_INDIRECT_DATA_BUFFERS
parameter to TRUE.

It is not a must but is recommended that you even set the parameter
_DB_BLOCK_LRU_LATCHES in your init.ora or spfile to the value that you
calculated above.

Example configuration for a server with 2 physical CPUs and 8GB RAM:

/PAE and /3GB switch set in boot.ini

AWE_WINDOW_MEMORY set to 419430400 (400M)

Init.ora file:



DB_CACHE_SIZE=0 Sem Prioridade

_db_block_lru_latches               32
shared_pool_size                      1468006400
pga_aggregate_target               1048576000
optimizer_index_caching            95
optimizer_index_cost_adj          50
buffer_pool_keep                      0
db_block_buffers                      480000
log_buffer                                8388608
use_indirect_data_buffers          TRUE
db_writer_processes                 2
sort_area_size                          16777216
workarea_size_policy                 AUTO

NOTE: only the database buffer goes into the AWE part of the memory.
Shared_pool, log_buffer, sort_area_size, pga etc. all use the 3GB memory
area. So if you configure an AWE_WINDOW_MEMORY larger than the default 1GB
you have to take into calculation that this space plus the variable part of
the SGA must not exceed 3GB. This is why you won’t be able to allocate more
than 1.4GB for the shared pool. However, if you max out the shared_pool, you
will run into ORA-4030 errors on database startup. Therefore, try to keep
the shared_pool around 1GB … OR … migrate to a 64-bit platform :-)

Be careful on allocating a too high AWE_WINDOW_MEMORY parameter. There is a
good document on Metalink concerning performance issues when setting this
parameter too high or too low. 





De: oracle_br@yahoogrupos.com.br [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Em
nome de Marcus Pavan
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 4 de junho de 2008 07:59
Para: oracle_br@yahoogrupos.com.br
Assunto: Res: Res: RES: RES: [oracle_br] Oracle nao reconhece RAM


Emerson, não importa se o sistema operacional está "reconhecendo" os 8GB, os
sistemas 32bits tem uma limitação de 2GB por processo. Você pode burlar isto
alterando alguns parâmetros porém para administração do banco de dados será
pior (versões 9i, 10g e 11g).
Se você quiser usar uma instância de 5GB terá de utilizar um sistema
operacional 64bits com o Oracle 64bits.
Marcus Pavan.

----- Mensagem original ----
De: emerson.amaro <emerson.amaro@ <mailto:emerson.amaro%40uol.com.br>
Para: oracle_br <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:oracle_br%40yahoogrupos.com.br>
Enviadas: Terça-feira, 3 de Junho de 2008 21:49:46
Assunto: Re:Res: RES: RES: [oracle_br] Oracle nao reconhece RAM

Olha pessoal o retorno do windows ...esta reconhecendo normalmente os 8gb
OS Name Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
Version 5.2.3790 Service Pack 2 Build 3790
Other OS Description R2
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer Dell Inc.
System Model PowerEdge 2900
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 7 GenuineIntel ~1595 Mhz
Processor x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 7 GenuineIntel ~1595 Mhz
Processor x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 7 GenuineIntel ~1595 Mhz
Processor x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 7 GenuineIntel ~1595 Mhz
BIOS Version/Date Dell Inc. 1.3.7, 2007-03-26
SMBIOS Version 2.4
Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVol ume2
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.2.3790.3959 (srv03_sp2_rtm.
070216-1710) "
Time Zone E. South America Standard Time
Total Physical Memory 8,190.98 MB
Available Physical Memory 7.11 GB
Total Virtual Memory 9.81 GB
Available Virtual Memory 8.77 GB
Page File Space 2.00 GB
Page File C:\pagefile. sys

nem precisa responder, o windows dele, quase com certeza é 32 bits...
se ele quiser usar tudo, vai ter que atualizar né...
só vamos esperar a confirmação...
Anderson Santiago
DBA Sênior.
www.ruevers. webs.com

----- Mensagem original ----
De: André Luis Mariano <mariano.listas@ yahoo.com. br>
Para: [EMAIL PROTECTED] os.com.br
Enviadas: Terça-feira, 3 de Junho de 2008 21:57:42
Assunto: RES: RES: [oracle_br] Oracle nao reconhece RAM

Você ainda nao respondeu...

32 ou 64 bits?


André Mariano

-----Mensagem original---- -
De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] os.com.br [mailto:oracle_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] os.com.br] Em
nome de emerson.amaro
Enviada em: terça-feira, 3 de junho de 2008 21:52
Para: oracle_br
Assunto: Re:RES: [oracle_br] Oracle nao reconhece RAM

É o windows 2003 enterprise e o SO está reconhecendo os 8gb
normalmente. ..somente o oracle não 

Qual a versão do Windows? 32 ou 64 bits?

Versão do Oracle? 32 ou 64 ?

Que eu saiba Windows 32bits só consegue usar no máximo 3.5-4gb RAM, já que
2^32 = 4GB


André Mariano

-----Mensagem original---- -
De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] os.com.br [mailto:oracle_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] os.com.br] Em
nome de emerson.amaro Enviada em: terça-feira, 3 de junho de 2008 21:20
Para: oracle_br
Assunto: [oracle_br] Oracle nao reconhece RAM

Ola Pessoal,

Tenho um servidor DELL com windows enterprise de 8g de memoria RAM porem na
instalacao do oracle na parte de host configuration so aparece 2g de memoria
reconhecida ....alguem tem alguma dica do que pode ser ?


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