vi /etc/selinux/config

a opção SELINUX deve estar como disabled


Caso não esteja, altere, reboote e teste novamente.


Vitor Jr.
Infraestrutura / Infrastructure Team
Oracle 11g DBA Certified Professional - OCP
Oracle Certified Expert, Oracle Real Application Clusters 11g and Grid
Infrastructure Administrator - OCE
Oracle Database 11g Performance Tuning Certified Expert - OCE
Oracle Exadata 11g Certified Implementation Specialist
Oracle Certified Associate, MySQL 5
mail, gtalk e msn:
skype: vjunior1981

2014/1/19 Gustavo de N. Dumitresco <>

> Vitor
> o erro que apareceu foi: server modprobe: FATAL: Module oracleasm not found
> Os rpms estao instalados
> 2014/1/19 Vitor Junior <>
>>  €
>> Verifique no /var/log
>> Existe um arquivo de log exclusivo do asm
>> Att,/Regards,
>> Vitor Jr.
>> Infraestrutura / Infrastructure Team
>> Oracle 11g DBA Certified Professional - OCP
>> Oracle Certified Expert, Oracle Real Application Clusters 11g and Grid
>> Infrastructure Administrator - OCE
>> Oracle Database 11g Performance Tuning Certified Expert - OCE
>> Oracle Exadata 11g Certified Implementation Specialist
>> Oracle Certified Associate, MySQL 5
>> mail, gtalk e msn:
>> skype: vjunior1981
>> Em 19/01/2014 17:50, "Gustavo de N. Dumitresco" <>
>> escreveu:
>>>  €  ’
>>> Fabricio
>>> Segue o que acontece ao rodar cada um
>>> *€  ’   ’²    /usr/sbin/oracleasm listdisks* - simplesmente nao
>>> acontece nada!!
>>> [root@server ~]#* /usr/sbin/oracleasm init*
>>> *Loading module "oracleasm": failed*
>>> *Unable to load module "oracleasm"*
>>> [root@server ~]# */usr/sbin/oracleasm configure -i*
>>> Configuring the Oracle ASM library driver.
>>> This will configure the on-boot properties of the Oracle ASM library
>>> driver. €  ’   ’²    The following questions will determine whether the
>>> driver is
>>> loaded on boot and what permissions it will have. €  ’   ’²    The
>>> current values
>>> will be shown in brackets ('[]'). €  ’   ’²    Hitting <ENTER> without
>>> typing an
>>>  answer will keep that current value. €  ’   ’²    Ctrl-C will abort.
>>> Default user to own the driver interface [oracle]:€  ’   ’²
>>> Default group to own the driver interface [dba]:€  ’   ’²
>>> Start Oracle ASM library driver on boot (y/n) [y]: y
>>> Scan for Oracle ASM disks on boot (y/n) [y]: y
>>> Writing Oracle ASM library driver configuration: done
>>> Rebootei e deu o mesmo problema.
>>> @Eli, aquele segundo erro j€  ’   ’²   á te ajuda a ter uma
>>> id€  ’   ’²   éia?
>>> Em 19 de janeiro de 2014 15:38, Fabricio Pedroso Jorge <
>>>> escreveu:
>>>>  €  ’   ’²
>>>> Se executares o seguinte comando, gera o mesmo erro?
>>>> €  ’   ’²   ’²²      */usr/sbin/oracleasm listdisks*
>>>> Tenta carregar o m€  ’   ’²   ’²²   ódulo do kernel pra ver o que
>>>> ocorre: */usr/sbin/oracleasm init*
>>>> OBS1: Apos a instalacao dos rpm relacionados ao asmlib, foi executado o
>>>> comando abaixo?
>>>> *€  ’   ’²   ’²²      /usr/sbin/oracleasm configure -i*
>>>> Em 19 de janeiro de 2014 14:41, Gustavo de N. Dumitresco <
>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>>  €  ’   ’²   ’²²
>>>>> Pessoal
>>>>> Estou tendo a sorte de ter o problema de ASM Driver failed no boot do
>>>>> CentOS. Estou rodando no VMPlayer, a€  ’   ’²   ’²²   ’²²²  ¦í o grid
>>>>> n€  ’   ’²   ’²²   ’²²²  ¦ão encontra os discos, isto
>>>>> €  ’   ’²   ’²²   ’²²²  ¦é, ao meu ver parecem estar relacionados, 
>>>>> procede?
>>>>> E se proceder, alguma id€  ’   ’²   ’²²   ’²²²  ¦éia?
>>>>> J€  ’   ’²   ’²²   ’²²²  ¦á baixei do repositorio da Oracle pra ver se
>>>>> resolvia (me aventurando no Linux como nunca fiz rs)
>>>>> At.,
>>>>> --
>>>>> Gus
>>>> --
>>>> *Fabr€  ’   ’²   ’²²   ício Pedroso Jorge.*
>>>> Administrador de Banco de Dados
>>>> Oracle 11g Certified SQL Expert
>>>> Oracle 11g Certified Associate
>>>> Oracle 11g Certified Professional
>>>> Linux Professional Institute Certified Level I (LPIC-I)
>>>> ITIL V3 Foudations
>>>> *Resumo Profissional:*
>>>> *Contatos:*
>>>> + 55 91 88991116
>>>> skype: fabricio.pedroso.jorge
>>> --
>>> Gus
> --
> Gus

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