É, acho que nao to enganado não.. o Oracle XE acaba sendo um engodo..  se
achar que vai ter os 11 gb assim.. de uma só vez.

Li o link que vc mesmo enviou... na verdade 5 gb cada tablespace.. se tiver
2 deles...    5+5 = 10
mas nao sao 11? Ah, detalhes..não sei explicar

me corrijam se eu estiver errado, por favor !



The database is the collection of logical and physical structures that
together contain all the data and metadata for your applications. The
database also contains control structures (such as control files) that it
needs for startup and operation. All of these structures are described in
subsequent sections, and are summarized in Figure 6-1

The Oracle Database XE instance (which consists of the Oracle Database XE
background processes and allocated memory) works with a single database
only. Rather than enabling you to create multiple databases to accommodate
different applications, Oracle Database XE uses a single database, and
accommodates multiple applications by enabling you to separate data into
different schemas. See "About User Accounts"
more information about schemas.

The maximum database size in Oracle Database XE is 5 gigabytes (GB). This
includes between 0.5 and 0.9 GB for the data dictionary, internal schemas,
and temporary space, which leaves just over 4.0 GB for user data.

2014-09-11 15:37 GMT-03:00 angelo <angelolis...@gmail.com>:

> Se nao me engano, se criar tablespace proprio, 5 gb.. Se usar os do
> sistema, 11gb.
> 2014-09-11 14:49 GMT-03:00 Mario Rodrigues marioirodrig...@gmail.com
> [oracle_br] <oracle_br@yahoogrupos.com.br>:
>> Pessoal,
>> Boa Tarde
>> É só uma duvida básica, vc's sabem qual é o tamanho máximo do XE 11G?
>> Nesta comparação aparece como 11GB
>> http://www.oracle.com/us/products/database/enterprise-edition/comparisons/index.html
>> Já na documentação aparece como sendo 5GB:
>> http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17781_01/server.112/e18804/storage.htm#ADMQS185
>> Sei que na 10g eram 4Gb somente ...
>> Obrigado.
  • [oracle_br] Duvida t... Mario Rodrigues marioirodrig...@gmail.com [oracle_br]
    • Re: [oracle_br]... angelo angelolis...@gmail.com [oracle_br]
      • Re: [oracle... angelo angelolis...@gmail.com [oracle_br]
        • Re: [or... jlchia...@yahoo.com.br [oracle_br]
          • Re:... Mario Rodrigues marioirodrig...@gmail.com [oracle_br]
            • ... jlchia...@yahoo.com.br [oracle_br]
              • ... Mario Rodrigues marioirodrig...@gmail.com [oracle_br]
          • Re:... angelo angelolis...@gmail.com [oracle_br]
            • ... jlchia...@yahoo.com.br [oracle_br]
              • ... jlchia...@yahoo.com.br [oracle_br]
                • ... angelo angelolis...@gmail.com [oracle_br]

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