Boa tarde Colegas,
 Eu preciso gerar estes relatórios
 - Quantidade de Pedidos Leitura/Escrita por hora nas últimas 24 horas
 - Performance CPU/RAM nas últimas 24 Horas

 Estou me baseando neste select, teriam outra forma?

 WITH totreadwrite AS (SELECT SUM (phyrds) phys_reads, SUM (phywrts) phys_wrts 
FROM v$filestat)
 SELECT   NAME, phyrds, phyrds * 100 / trw.phys_reads read_pct,
     phywrts, phywrts * 100 / trw.phys_wrts 
write_pct,TO_CHAR(checkpoint_time,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24')
  FROM totreadwrite trw, v$datafile df, v$filestat fs
    WHERE df.file# = fs.file# 
    and checkpoint_time > To_Date('18.05.2015 00','DD.MM.YYYY HH24')
    GROUP BY NAME, phyrds, phyrds * 100 / trw.phys_reads,
     phywrts, phywrts * 100 / trw.phys_wrts,TO_CHAR(checkpoint_time,'YYYY-MM-DD 


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