Title: Who is Roy Lee???

Other than being a minor Australian hobby grower, which probably says it all, and being particularly challenged in his spelling skills, who is this Ocker Oracle? Don't recall ever meeting him and if I did it must have been forgettably unmemorable!

Having whipped the Aussies in Auckland at the 13th WOC and again the following year at their national show in Perth, I really don't have much left to prove in that part of the world. I might add that the only way I won champion orchid in Perth was that I concealed the cut stem and attached tube in a flowerless Paph plant. That, combined with a recent New South Wales award to the plant in question, fooled the "Honest" Aussie judges into thinking that the flower they were looking at was actually Australian. You see , they have a long history of being somewhat biased against plants from overseas. Maybe Mr. Lee was one of the judges duped on that occasion. All I can say is: get over it and have a Happy New Year. And try and be a judge of more character in the future. Model yourself on people like Kevin Hipkins, Kevin Butler and David Banks who are respected internationally for their orchid knowledge and integrity in the judging process.

Andy Easton

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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