I'm totally confused.

In V7 #124, Andy Easton claimed:

> the WOC Site Selection Committee voted 11-5 to award the Conference 
>to South Africa.
>A hastily convened meeting of the WOC Trustees then, in secret session, 
>gave the 2011 WOC to Singapore.

Andy Easton has never posted a retraction of this statement, so
presumably he still believes it is true. However, in V7 #137, he said
something totally different:

>The "Dragon Lady" stacked the WOC Site Selection Committee at the
last >moment with active, in touch orchid figures like Alasdair
Morrison, to get the >result she needed i.e. Singapore.

Perhaps Mr Easton would tell us which of his two versions is the false one.

Peter O'Byrne
Resident in Singapore

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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