I don't know about S. pallidus but we grow S. cecilae as a Vanda in an empty basket kept warm and humid. A few are throwing spikes now so they seem to be liking that.

Nothing beats the fragrance of V denisoniana now in bloom in the greenhouse and wafting across the backyard to poolside ahh yum

Paul and Diane LeBlanc
Species Orchids

>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Monday, May 9, 2005 09:26 AM
>Subject: [OGD] Sarcochilus pallidus culture
>Hello OGDers,
>Last fall I was given a plant of Sarcochilus pallidus, I suspect because it
>is not as showy as some other species of that genus. I know nothing about it
>when I received ti but it grew well enough and had two spikes with immature
>buds which were on it when I received the plant.
>At that time I was still growing out-of-doors and so when it eventually
>turned cold here in Tampa (Florida) I covered my orchid benches with old sheets and
>blankets as I always had done. When the sheets finally came off the benches
>with the return of less frigid temperatures the Sarcochilus looked the worse
>for wear not having liked the cool temperatures. It lost a leaf and parts of
>two others and the spikes dried up. The roots seemed still in good condition.
>In January the plant went into my new shadehouse/greenhouse along with the
>rest of the orchids and seems quite happy there now, having put out three new
>spikes and the start of a new leaf.
>The buds however did not seem to develop beyond a certain point remaining
>undeveloped for about a month, but when I was forced to miss watering the
>greenhouse for a week I discovered that the buds had suddenly matured. The flowers
>all opened at one time but only lasted one day. The wilted blooms persisted
>for about two days, then fell off.
>Now there seem to be more undeveloped buds at the ends of the spikes. Will
>these spikes bloom again? Does this species need a short dry-off to initiate
>the maturation of the buds?
>Should the flowers last longer than one day? If I had access to more info on
>this species and its habits in nature I probably wouldn't have these
>Any advice or comments about this plant and its culture will be appreciated.
>Paul Mitchell
>[who's enjoying the heady, sweet fragrance of a couple of just popped open
>flowers of Stanhopea grandiflora this morning which I can smell here in the
>house all the way from the greenhouse way out in the back yard - Ahhh - Yum!]
>the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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