Hello everyone!
As a member of the "Some and Irrational Group"  ( "...same that 99% of all commercial growers use and most rational hobby growers ..." - as quoted), I must protest the assumption that I wet only leaves, when watering or feeding my plants.
I have never used a garden hose to water any of my indoor plants, but am guilty of throwing them into the shower on occasion. 
Since I water my collection over a 5 gallon bucket those plants that are small enough to fit into it have their leaves and roots thoroughly wet by whatever I'm using.  The larger plants are simply out of luck and must deal with it as they see fit. 
My observations have been that most of the orchids don't like me much and consequently only grow and flower when they feel like it, regardless of my actions or intentions.
Thank you for letting me share, and have a pleasant day!
Bob Campoli - Philadelphia, Pa
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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