Hi Harvey -
Like many people in south Louisiana, I look lustfully
at photos of Disa, Dracula, Miltonia, etc. I have
never seen these in reality, only in photos...
On the positive side, we can grow most things outside
most of the time.
I know of several people here who artificially chill
their Cymbidiums to stimulate blooming (when we get
some of those freakish January weeks of 75F temps, the
spikes often mutate into foliage). What they do, in
essence, is place the pots in a styrofoam cooler
(cheap at walmart), and refill around the pot with ice
once or twice a day. Only necessary for about 2 weeks.
Some may say it is worth it.
More problematic is keeping even intermediate-growing
orchids alive in a climate with temps over 80F for
9-10 months of the year. It is 82F right now, and
barely noon. They can take years to fully lose the
will to live, and the decline is soooo long and soooo
heartwrenching - darn them!
Regards - Nancy

"My mother had a great deal of trouble with me,
but I think she enjoyed it."   
                             ---Mark Twain

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