
We all have our impossible dreams, my wife wants to be able to grow masdevallias and a few other pluerothallids. In SOUTHWEST FLORIDA! where we rarely see temps below 75F in the day and freezes are an event not a daily occurence. Try doing that after your Aluminet blows off in a hurricane!!


>-----Original Message-----
>From: nancy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, November 4, 2005 01:02 PM
>Subject: [OGD] Cooling orchids/Harvey Brenneise
>Hi Harvey -
>Like many people in south Louisiana, I look lustfully
>at photos of Disa, Dracula, Miltonia, etc. I have
>never seen these in reality, only in photos...
>On the positive side, we can grow most things outside
>most of the time.
>I know of several people here who artificially chill
>their Cymbidiums to stimulate blooming (when we get
>some of those freakish January weeks of 75F temps, the
>spikes often mutate into foliage). What they do, in
>essence, is place the pots in a styrofoam cooler
>(cheap at walmart), and refill around the pot with ice
>once or twice a day. Only necessary for about 2 weeks.
>Some may say it is worth it.
>More problematic is keeping even intermediate-growing
>orchids alive in a climate with temps over 80F for
>9-10 months of the year. It is 82F right now, and
>barely noon. They can take years to fully lose the
>will to live, and the decline is soooo long and soooo
>heartwrenching - darn them!
>Regards - Nancy
>"My mother had a great deal of trouble with me,
>but I think she enjoyed it."
> ---Mark Twain
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