Guido Braem,

My name is Mauro Rosim, I live in São Paulo, Brazil. I don't know the site owner you cite in your mail, but I know the the site itself. It has a Portuguese and an English version. I took a look at the pages where supposedly the mistakes should be and both Portuguese and English versions don't show what you point out at all. Here's what's written (in both cases bold is mine):

This situation reached so incredible dimension that Joseph Dalton Hooker, Director of Kew Gardens, an orchid taxonomist, commented that England became the "the graveyard of tropical orchids" due to the incredible quantity of plants dying because of the inappropriate cultivation, inside super heathouses.

Esta situação tomou uma tal dimensão que Joseph Dalton Hooker, Diretor de Kew  Gardens e taxonomista em orquídeas, declarou que a Inglaterra havia se tornado um cemitério de orquídeas tropicais, tamanha era a quantidade de plantas que morriam por causa de um cultivo inadequado, dentro de estufas superaquecidas.


Best Regards

Mauro Rosim



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