Title: Chloramine and Chloramine T
In a recent post, Peter Fowler used the terms Chloramine and Chloramine T interchangeably.

Chloramine and Chloramine T are different chemical compounds.  Chloramine is NH2Cl, a small mokecuke use for disinfecting water and is widely used by municipalities as a substitute for chlorine in water supplies.  It is widely reported as being toxic to fish.

For information on whether charcoal and RO units remove it see:


Chloramine T is N-Chloro-4-methylbenzenesulfonamide sodium salt and is a large molecule; as such it should be easily removed by an RO unit.  It is also a disinfectant.  "Chloramine T kills bacteria which infect and kill fish. Bacterial gill disease and infectious trematodes (FLUKES) are eradicated."  See:




In a brief search I can find no reference to using it in drinking water.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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