I used to own a 40 acre pecan grove that bordered a woodlot and got to like the 
taste of pecan fattened squirrel, much better than eating crow (they, the 
crows, destroyed many more nuts than they ate trying to pick them out of the 
husks to eat);-)
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2006 11:04 AM
>To: orchids@orchidguide.com
>Subject: [OGD] Squirrels,  Humour
>For the past three years, I have used one HAV-A-HART trap placed  
>strategically between my orchids and tomato plants.  It works.   When I trap a 
>I take it LIVE to a cemetery where I release it.   Many nut trees.
>I also have a terrier who often sleeps near the trap.  Good  deterrent.
>Before the trap, I had two greyhounds who kept the yard vermin free for  
>years.  I had neither squirrels nor rabbits!
>My current problem?  Large birds tipping the bromeliads in pursuit of  water.
>A greenhouse would be nice......
>Steve, how many [OGD] forum members does it take to rid the outdoor orchid  
>growing area of vermin?  I shudder to think......

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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