
Whenever I have a question on spelling I try to go back to the original 
publication (if I can) and see how it was originally spelled. Unfortunately, 
I don't have 'Bonplandia" or 'Xenia Orchidaceae' (the two earliest 
references). So to the things I do have. All the things I checked Stein, 
Williams, Veitch, Kew Monocot checklist, Henessy, Schweinfurth, and 
Schlechter, spell it as Peter spelled it. However, Cash spells it 
'boissieranum' leaving the 'i' out between the 'r' and 'a' (a rather strange 
thing!). I  found no source that used your spelling, that does not mean 
there are none, I just did not find any in the references I checked.


>Picture # 3 shows a patch of Phragmipedium boissieranum (note spelling) 
>photographed in sunlight, which is no proof they grow in full sun all day.

Other people who offered advice during the production of the web page (and 
web in general, if one is to believe a Google search) seems to prefer P.
boisserianum. I freely admit my ignorance; I have no books to hand that
address Latin orchids,and so I am in a muddle. So, please, ¿what is the
correct species name for this **** plant?

Oliver Sparrow
+44 (0)20 7736 9716

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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