
After I sent the below e-mail I continued to do some checking, and did find 
where David Bennett and Eric Christenson used your spelling in 'Icones 
Orchidacearum Peruviarum' plate 151. As I know Eric monitors this list, he 
might be willing to talk with us about the correct spelling of this name.



Whenever I have a question on spelling I try to go back to the original
publication (if I can) and see how it was originally spelled. Unfortunately,
I don't have 'Bonplandia" or 'Xenia Orchidaceae' (the two earliest
references). So to the things I do have. All the things I checked Stein,
Williams, Veitch, Kew Monocot checklist, Henessy, Schweinfurth, and
Schlechter, spell it as Peter spelled it. However, Cash spells it
'boissieranum' leaving the 'i' out between the 'r' and 'a' (a rather strange
thing!). I  found no source that used your spelling, that does not mean
there are none, I just did not find any in the references I checked.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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