<<a clear set of measurements to distinguish the normal form from the  giant 
Amami Island form >>
There are several varieties of Neofinetia falcata from Amami Island. The  
largest, what we call "Jumbo" has a leaf span of 10 to 12 inches per growth on 
mature plant. The flowers are 1 to 2 inches not including the nectary spur,  
which can be 3 to 4 inches long. Flower count is usually 7 or 8 per  
Another type we imported last year is Amami Hiroba. Leaf span is about 6 to  
8 inches, and the leaves were thick. Flower size and count was similar to the  
above plants.
We also had a few Amami "Pink" - not much color compared to the pink/red  
varieties, but you could see some coloration in the peduncle and nectary  spur.
I do not know if any have been tested for polyploidy.
<<bigger compared to "what" ? I have "normal" forms >>
The common "wild" form of Neofinetia falcata varies, and not all are white.  
Plants can have a mature leaf span of 3 inches to 8 inches across. Flowers are 
 usually 0.5 to 1.5 inches, with a 2 to 3" nectary spur. Pink, yellow & green 
 forms have been found in the wild.
As for cultivated forms, there are well over 2000 named types of  Neos in 
Japan. They range in size from 1/2 inch to 10 inches, flower  count from one to 
ten, various colors and leaf variegations.
Alex Challis
Dr. Glenn  Lehr
New World  Orchids

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