Hello -
This is a multiple-part question, and answers (or
theories) about any of it would be appreciated. I
guess I will state what I suspect to be true, and
those who know can tell me what is so/not so. I'm
making up the names!
Cattleya Pretty Girl - would this likely be a
Cattleya Pretty Girl 'Dazzling' - a division or
Would the grex name (is that the right term?)
'Dazzling' lead me to believe that this plant had been
awarded by AOS?
When I look up Cattleya Pretty Girl in the wildcatt
DB, I find that the parents are Cattleya Pretty and
Cattleya Girl, and that this cross has been awarded;
when I look at the details, I see that Pretty Girl
'Smart', Pretty Girl 'Sassy' and Pretty Girl 'Lovely'
all have received some kind of AOS award. If I have
just Cattleya Pretty Girl, this has no bearing on my
plant, correct? When it blooms, it might be a 'dawg'?
Or not?
In another case, I look at the tag on my seedling, and
I see that the parents are Cattleya Beauty 'Beau'
AM/AOS x Cattleya Eye Candy 'Thrilling' AM/AOS - even
with awarded parents, does this have any bearing on
the seedling itself? Other than high hopes that it
will be the best of both parents?
Also, regarding showing such a plant - when filling
out the tag, does the award pedigree of the parents
relate to the (now blooming) offspring in judging?
i.e., will it be compared to one/both parents? Or
judged on its own merits?
Last question: my friend made a cross, but did not
register it (lovely to me, but a bow-wow to her). It
is still a valid name, correct? Even though not
Thanks! Ah, so many questions!
Good growing - Nancy

"Il n'existe que deux choses infinies, l'univers et la 
betise humaine...mais pour l'univers, je n'ai pas 
de certitude absolue."
              (Albert Einstein / 1879-1955)

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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