Hi -- answers and opinions below:

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of nancy
Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 12:33 PM
To: orchid list
Subject: [OGD] Some questions about names, etc. relating to AOS awards

Hello -
This is a multiple-part question, and answers (or
theories) about any of it would be appreciated. I
guess I will state what I suspect to be true, and
those who know can tell me what is so/not so. I'm
making up the names!
Cattleya Pretty Girl - would this likely be a
seedling?---Maybe.  The name without a clonal name usually designates a
seedling; but some vendors are lazy, and just don't add the clonal name when
they make the tag.  Best to contact the person you got it from and check.
Cattleya Pretty Girl 'Dazzling' - a division or
mericlone? ---- Probably.  When a plant is divided or mericloned, the person
doing it sometimes assigns a name, to distinguish it from the other 100
seedlings they have on the bench of the same cross.
Would the grex name (is that the right term?)
'Dazzling' lead me to believe that this plant had been
awarded by AOS?-- not necessarily, see above.  It might just be a convenient
way to distinguish one plant from another.  Some nurseries use numbers
instead of names.
When I look up Cattleya Pretty Girl in the wildcatt
DB, I find that the parents are Cattleya Pretty and
Cattleya Girl, and that this cross has been awarded;
when I look at the details, I see that Pretty Girl
'Smart', Pretty Girl 'Sassy' and Pretty Girl 'Lovely'
all have received some kind of AOS award. If I have
just Cattleya Pretty Girl, this has no bearing on my
plant, correct? When it blooms, it might be a 'dawg'?
Or not?---Could be a dawg, or could be awardable.  Orchids produce thousands
of seeds, and the seedlings run the full range - from compost to awardable.
In another case, I look at the tag on my seedling, and
I see that the parents are Cattleya Beauty 'Beau'
AM/AOS x Cattleya Eye Candy 'Thrilling' AM/AOS - even
with awarded parents, does this have any bearing on
the seedling itself? Other than high hopes that it
will be the best of both parents?-- Each plant is an individual, and awards
to the parents are not passed down to the children.
Also, regarding showing such a plant - when filling
out the tag, does the award pedigree of the parents
relate to the (now blooming) offspring in judging?
i.e., will it be compared to one/both parents? Or
judged on its own merits?--The parents awards are interesting, and provide a
base for judging the child, but do not change the merits of the plant you
have.  It has to stand on its own.
Last question: my friend made a cross, but did not
register it (lovely to me, but a bow-wow to her). It
is still a valid name, correct? Even though not
registered?-- you can designate any plant in your collection with whatever
pet names you choose, but the rest of the orchid world will not recognize
the name until it is certified by the RHS, who researches to make sure the
name is not scandalous, or already in use within the breeding group.  Until
it is registered with the RHS, its official designation is plant a x plant
Thanks! Ah, so many questions!
Good growing - Nancy

Hope this helps.
Li'l frog

"Il n'existe que deux choses infinies, l'univers et la 
betise humaine...mais pour l'univers, je n'ai pas 
de certitude absolue."
              (Albert Einstein / 1879-1955)

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