Hello all,

Over the past couple of months (and I'm sure it has been "years" to  
some) I have received more and more complaints of no digests being  
delivered although the people in question were members.
Some of these complaints were easy to fix and involved local spam  
filters ;-) , other problems were much more complicated as the  
mailserver used to distribute the OGD was blacklisted for spamming...  
add to that a host that does not react quickly and you can imagine the  
frustration on both subscriber and listowners end.

I feel now that the time has come to make some changes and being on  
the lookout for a new host I fear that I will have to make _drastic_  

Many hosts nowadays put a limit on the number of e-mail messages being  
sent out and so far the common figure seems to be 200/hour !
Yes, a mere 200 mail messages per hour... I might seem a lot to some  
but the list officially has some 1500 addresses subscribed, so that  
means a delay of 7 hours (!) to get the digest out to the last person.  
In the past, when the discussions were still lively and we had lots of  
participants, we sometimes sent out 3-4 digest per day !

At this moment I have not found a solution whereby list management  
would remain linked to the domain as I don't have the time, knowledge  
nor the money to take up dedicated server hosting.
I have considered external hosting like coollist, googlegroups and  
yahoogroups but have discarded them because they add advertising and  
some of these actually require you to open an account with them...

I am right now looking into freelists (freelists.org) and this seems good.

Does anybody else have suggestions about the future of the OGD ?
Does anybody have experience using freelists ?
Do you still like the OGD to be email based ?
Should I have dropped the "to be email based" in the previous question ? ;-)

kind regards,

OGD listowner.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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