tears come to my eyes thinking of them...The father was a good friend and I 
visited often..what a guy..and what plants..I have not had the opportunity to 
visit since moving to Hawaii..God knows why...but you could find a jillion neat 
things to buy then..and I assume now...Other than buying from me..I could think 
of no better place to go or to buy from..number one of ten fabulous 
nurseries..second would be oooops..I should not say..but a great place in the 
Chicago area that is very very similar to Gublers..you figure...When it comes 
to species orchids..there are not nearly enough places to go to in the 
U.S....plenty out of the country that you cannot access except at shows..there 
should be more...But...here is another toast to Gublers..if you are ever in 
Southern Calif..you should visit..Bill Bergstrom
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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