Hi guys
I bought a plant of Coelogyne mossiae from a local supplier and another from
a supplier in New Zealand. Both are in flower now and look for all practical
purposes identical. I do not think that either of them is a true Coelogyne
mossiae as both plants (pure white with a transverse yellow green/lime green
"bar" at the base base of the apical lobe of the lip extending onto the side
lobes). I feel that both are a Coelogyne cristat hybrid as both have 3
fimbriate/hairy keels/lamellae/ridges on the basal part of the lip.
Clayton's book "The Genus Coelogyne : A Synopsis" describes the lip of
Coelogyne mossiae as having 2 keels which are entire on the lip and that the
lip has two yellow-brown blotches on the lip. His drawing of the lip does
not match my 2 plants and the drawing of the plant habit in Das
Pflanzenreich does not look like my plant or Clayton's drawing of the lip.
Claytons photo is taken from too far away and is iindistinct/out of focus to
be of any use to me. So does anybody have access to the original description
that they could please scan and send to me?
Many thanks in advance.
Keep well and kind regards
South Africa

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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