Jim Asher (1941-1996) was an active orchid researcher during the  
1980’s when he took numerous trips to the jungles of Indonesia,  
Sarawak, and Sabah looking for Paphiopedilums.  He found and  
photographed Paphiopedilum sanderianum, rothschildianum, stonei,  
lowii, victoria-mariae, javanicum, primulinum, purpurescens,  
glaucophyllum, and chamberlainianum. He spent a month in 1982 at Kew  
Herbarium in London doing research on Paph elliottianum, Paph  
adductum, and Paph supardii and took numerous photographs. He named  
two new paphiopedilum species: Paphiopedilum adductum (1983) and  
Paphiopedilum richardianum and had several substantive articles  
published in Orchid Digest, all illustrated with his own photography.

I am interested in disposing of all of Jim’s orchid slides – I will  
give them away with the recipient responsible for any costs associated  
with packing and shipping them. They currently occupy 18 running feet  
of shelf space.

Doris Asher
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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