"Maybe it is just me" ... nnooo, that is definitely a 'me too'!!

But I guess you do have more patience than I have at this point, Leo ... I
simply relegated them to the spam bin, sort of a reflex action these days:-)

Regards/Roger, in Bangkok

On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 5:31 AM, Leo Schordje <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To: "Orchid Keeper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> also known as "Orchid
> Lover"
> You have contacted me privately and now have solicited the OGD list
> looking for content for your "The View From My Windowsill"
> http://theviewfrommywindowsill.com website, a.k.a http://teapotdee.com and
> your associated web blog http://windowsillorchids.blogspot.com - which all
> together seem to be a commercial website promoting your Ebay store. I have
> no objection to people running orchid businesses, I have a part time hobby
> business myself. BUT I do not give away content to anonymous entities
> willingly. I combed through all three sites and could not find any
> indication of your name, or who owns the site. If you had a "Who We Are"
> page on your website, or if you signed your notes with a real name I might
> be interested. But since I know nothing about you, I think it is
> unreasonable of you to expect me to give away my hard work for free to an
> anonymous person or group that will use it to make a buck. Maybe it is
> just me.
>        I know I don't know all the people on this list, but I have met a
> few of the people who post regualrly, and I bet that just about everyone
> on this list is a friend of a friend, no further out than 2 degrees of
> separation. Peter Mudd in Belgium knows, I was more than happy to share an
> article, but he used his real name, I knew of him, I was willing to share.
> If you had a name, I could check the friend network and either be glad to
> help you or know definitely otherwise. I like to feel like I have a
> connection, so if you get little or no response from your OGD request, try
> again, next time telling us (the OGD list) who you really are, rather than
> just what you want.
> Leo Schordje
> _______________________________________________
> the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)
> orchids@orchidguide.com
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