Hmmm,talk about personal attacks and innuendo...
Well, if "due diligence" means googling the Barnett name, you are  
certainly correct that my husband has nothing to do with orchids.  
That's why I signed my own name, "Dot." It happens we share the same  
email address, so you can kindly leave him out of this.
I don't mind that you consider me part of Leo's "mob" but you can  
quickly dismiss the notion that Leo "manipulated" me into posting.  
Being an American, I also know about freedom, and that's what I  
exercise whenever I post anything on this forum.
> My name was never hidden,  Roger.  You also know that if I wanted  
> to, I
> could hide that domain registry behind a proxy. Mr Schordje began  
> the attack
> in here, which you quickly joined, because he did indeed know who I  
> was when
> he read my invitation, whereas I did not know who he was. I knew  
> only his
> orchid-related activities and therefore innocently invited him to  
> publish in
> my magazine.
> I don't know know if you are American, Roger, but there is an  
> important
> principle at work here: the owner of this list is carrying liability  
> if he
> allows attacks on identifying private information that the owner has  
> not
> published here.  That includes one's name. A name that is in a public
> registry is still the private property of the person named. This is an
> orchid discussion list, not a "business-name vs private name vs  
> online nic"
> discussion list.
> Roger, it makes perfect sense for you to discuss my orchid-related
> activities in here, but to choose to join this completely non-orchid
> libelous assault launched by Leo Schordje and quickly joined by Mr &  
> Mrs
> Barnett is not warranted.
> I did say I respond to people like Mr. Schordje appropriately. The
> appropriate response is not to engage with his ignorant mob.  
> Intelligent
> readers of this list do know exactly what you posted, Roger, and  
> they know
> that I am perfectly within my rights to feel outraged at the libelous
> innuendoes Mr. Schordje is in the habit of posting, which I did not  
> realize
> until after he attacked me. Now readers of this list should feel  
> outraged
> that you all are continuing this ignorant mob behavior, manipulated  
> by Leo
> Schordje.
> Had I done "due diligence" on Mr. Schordje, I would never have  
> invited him
> to submit an article to my orchid magazine. And I am very glad I did  
> "due
> diligence" on the Barnetts. What I saw in both cases has nothing to  
> do with
> orchids. And Mr. Schordje can certainly be assured he is off my  
> contact
> list.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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