On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 6:40 PM, Thomas <adigg...@comcast.net> wrote:
>Peter Mielke wrote:
> >"I was recently at a restaurant with what appears like origami in its
> >http://www.parossouvla.com/?page_id=15
> >Does anyone know who's pig this would be?"
> This is "the pig" Independently created by both Akira Yoshizawa and
Aldolpho Cerceda.

I'm traveling, and don't have access to my book collection, but had a few
random moments to kill, and went poking.  This photo of the Cerceda pig in
the Origami Database:


argues that it is not that pig, unless the artist who did the drawing of
the restaurant's logo went to the trouble of adding a bunch of arbitrary
creaselines. (Which, while not impossible, seems odd to have done.) Or that
there is more than one Cerceda pig, also possible.

Am not finding the Yoshizawa pig in the ODB at all - but lots of his work
isn't entered there - so I can't compare directly with any of those.


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