----- Original Message -----

Anne LaVin wrote: 
"This photo of the Cerceda pig in the Origami Database: 


argues that it is not that pig, unless the artist who did the drawing of 
the restaurant's logo went to the trouble of adding a bunch of arbitrary 
creaselines. (Which, while not impossible, seems odd to have done.) Or that 
there is more than one Cerceda pig, also possible. 

Am not finding the Yoshizawa pig in the ODB at all - but lots of his work 
isn't entered there - so I can't compare directly with any of those." 

You are correct. The pose and dimensions looked so similar to the 
Cerceda/Yoshizawa pig that I jumped to a conclusion without first checking 
Engel's "Folding the Universe (Origami from Angelfish to Zen)" My Bad. 
Incidentally the drawing doesn't look like the one in the photograph on the 
restaurant site either. (click on the pig and then on the story of the pig) 
Weird. BTW Engel, who summarizes Yoshizawa's accusing Cerceda of theft, says 
that the Yoshizawa pig was published in 1945. Early by modern origami 
standards. I'd say there's good odds that the publication was in Japanese and 
hard to find. Thomas Sullivan 

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