Dick and Serena LaVine done said:

"Aside from any legal or copyright issues (covered extensively on the
OrigamiUSA website), I believe it's important to show respect for the
creators’ artistry and hard work.”

It might not have occurred to anyone, but there is significant work spent in 
preparing an Origami model for presentation in a public forum.  If that isn’t a 
demonstration of respect, I don’t know what is.  If I charged my usual 
consulting fees for my own preparations I’d be quite wealthy.

Now, time for a little rant.  I routinely use data and whole papers from my 
colleagues while teaching genetics and developmental biology.  On the few 
occasions when I’ve informed my colleagues that I was using their work in a 
classroom setting, they’ve been utterly delighted that their work was worthy of 
being spread in such a fashion. None would have dreamed of having their 
permission sought for such a purpose.

Now the work I’m talking about isn’t the exertions of one person for a day.  
We’re talking about years of highly trained and creative professional efforts.  
Why Origami is so special is truly beyond me.   

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