> Thank you so much for sharing your chart! That's what I was looking
> for. How did you manage to distribute the colors symmetrically in
> something with so many edges like an icosahedron?

Thanks, Gerardo! I am so glad you found the chart useful! I have had it
since 2007 and published in several of my books, but your email prompted me
to post it for everyone. I did the color distribution virtually by playing
with colors on my drawing software with some educated guess. It ended up
being fun! The 3-color icosahedron and dodechedron were the most

Meenakshi, I wanted to offer you an idea. There are too many single
> and duo-colored kusudamas in the world. I think it's because most of
> us couldn't find how to symmetrically arrange different color units
> together. If more people knew about your chart there would probably be
> more multicolor kusudamas in the world.

While multiple colors look nice, some modulars are actually better with a
single color, or duo colored paper. If there are flowery designs involved,
they actually look nice if all petals are in a single color. But for some
modulars such as polypolyhedra (wireframes) or more geometric designs,
multiple colors are nice.

So how about making a
> campaign, for example on social media? There could be a hashtag for
> it. People could fold a multicolor kusudama using your chart and post
> pictures on their social media along with the hashtag and a link to
> your chart. That way more will know.
> What do you think Meenakshi? I'd really like to see a lot more
> multicolor kusudamas : )

That’s very kind of you. You’re welcome to create hashtags as long as you
include #origamee, and start the campaign. I am not that much on social
media, only a little. Please also feel free to publish in Neorigami.



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