I have some questions, I feel, we need to seriously think about:

*What do we hope to accomplish? *Have a CoC?  Bad. Reasons for a CoC?  I'm sure we can come up with 1000's of reasons, and probably all good, but a knee-jerk reaction we need one is not a reason to have one.  But reasons for it are the motivation, not the outcome.  Are there laws or other rules that possibly cover this better that we just need to use/enforce?  Are there other methods we can use?

*What is the goal and expected outcome? *And what are the consequences of violating the CoC?  Fundamentally we are imposing a set of Rules or localized laws on behavior.  I think we should think of it in that context.

*What unintended negative consequences might arise? * We can look to history for may examples of well intended laws and rule that backfired in spectacular, sometimes amusing, ways. *

*How should a report be addressed, and how should the complaint be investigated?*  For people to feel safe, yes, the reporter needs to feel their complaint will be taken seriously, but the complainant should also feel safe from false accusations.  I've had female students threaten to accuse me, but when they found out, it's not a "accuse and, by definition, win", fundamentally blackmailing me with the threat of an accusation means they can get what they wanted, they backed down.  There was a process of investigation.  A case of attempting to get an 'A' by blackmail, not by actually studying and thinking.

And a CoC will not mean things are by definition safe.  But hopefully, a person with a complaint of harassment, bullying, or what ever complaint they may have, will feel they will be taken seriously and looked in to as thoroughly as possible.  And what is the process?  Who has the finial authority?  Much like the agreements for warranties that say "you agree to binding arbitration under thus and such conditions."  Maybe not binding arbitration, but what is  the escalation path, and where does it stop?  And where and how does the complaint get escalated, Heaven forbid, to law enforcement?  And over all, what documentation will be taken and how?


     _   | John R. S. Mascio / K5RYU
 _|_|_)  | mas...@k5ryu.com
(_|_|    | http://k5ryu.com

k5...@arrl.net, mas...@gmail.com

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