On Sun, May 16, 2021, 8:08 PM John R. S. Mascio <mas...@k5ryu.com> wrote:

> I have some questions, I feel, we need to seriously think about:
> *What do we hope to accomplish?  *Have a CoC?  Bad.  Reasons for a CoC?
> I'm sure we can come up with 1000's of reasons, and probably all good, but
> a knee-jerk reaction we need one is not a reason to have one.  But reasons
> for it are the motivation, not the outcome.  Are there laws or other rules
> that possibly cover this better that we just need to use/enforce?  Are
> there other methods we can use?
The reason we need Codes of Conduct is that the origami community is not
immune to having people act badly and is also diverse and global enough
that large events are likely to bring together people with different
backgrounds and from different cultures why have different assumptions
about what is "reasonable".

One impetus for this is that there are members of the origami community who
have assaulted or harassed other members of the origami community at times
and places in the past.

Some of those victims do not feel comfortable attending a convention that
does not have a Code of Conduct that provides adequate protection from
further harm for victims that decide to come forward in the event that an
incident does occur.

I, personally, want more people to feel safe and comfortable attending more
origami events and a robust Code of Conduct is one element that helps
ensure that for some people.



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