On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 3:24 PM Anne LaVin <anne.la...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *I will be an ally.  <snip>*

I was reminded, off-list, that even general community efforts towards CoCs
and related behavior can be somewhat fraught: in this example, I am only
potentially useful as an ally for someone in trouble *if I can be trusted*.
I like to think that I could be, but a complete stranger has no way of
knowing this, of course. And a Bad Actor could do exactly as I have done in
order to get close to someone vulnerable. People do suck, sometimes.

Just goes to show that this stuff is Not Easy. And that in a
convention/event context, it's probable that the Con organizers would have
to designate "official" folks to be available to help, if only for their
own liability.

Still, it's the community as a whole that can work towards creating an
appropriate and welcoming culture, and that's still on all of *us*.


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