What an interesting topic! I remember first hearing the analogy between
origami and music when I heard about Robert Lang's use of the term "opus"
for the different versions of his models.

And to change the subject, but not that much, I have for quite a few years
now, when teaching classes at the local libraries, made the analogy between
learning an origami model and learning a dance. In both cases you are
learning a series of steps, that you (often) repeat several times, and once
you have all of the steps memorized, then you can do it on your own,
anytime the fancy strikes you.

..... Chila(gami) Caldera
I think therefore I fold, I fold therefore I am, folding for fun in
Northern Arizona ///

On Sun, Sep 24, 2023, 06:58 Peter Engel <peterengelarchit...@earthlink.net>

> On Sep 23, 2023, at 6:38 PM, gera...@neorigami.com wrote:
> I'm curious about it. Where does this idea come from? Who was the first to
> propose it and where did he or she do it?
> Hi Gerardo,
> I’m sure there’s not a “first,” but when I wrote about origami and music
> in my book *Folding the Universe* (1989), I don’t believe that I had come
> across anything written prior to that.  A number of creative paperfolders
> are skilled musicians, so music is likely an impetus, conscious or
> unconscious, in their design process.  I’m not a performer, but classical
> music has been important to me my entire adult life, and I know that it has
> influenced my design process as well.
> —Peter Engel

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