
We've done some testing with EntityBeans and Orion 0.8.1.

* Orion uses one instance for all finder invocations.
  * Does it allow concurrent finder invocations on this instance? (bad)
  * Does it synchronize finder invocations on this instance? (bad)
* Orion does not reuse instances after they have been used
  * This holds for instances which have been ejbRemoved. Is the same
occuring with passivated instances? (i.e. is there a pool at all?)

Our setEntityContext operation is VERY costly, thus we would like Orion
to try and reuse instances as much as possible.

Any hints/thoughts on this?


Rickard Öberg

@home: +46 13 177937
Homepage: http://www-und.ida.liu.se/~ricob684

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