
Orion seems to differ from the Servlet 2.2PR2 spec in the way that a web
application DD and codebase is identified:

My understanding from the Servlet 2.2 PR2 spec is that web applications have
a specific directory structure in which /WEB-INF/web.xml is the deployment
descriptor and /WEB-INF/lib and /WEB-INF/classes directories contain the jar
files and classes of the web application. Given this, installing a Web
Application into a server should be as simple as mapping the war archive or
root directory of a web application to a specific path in the web server.
Based on the standard WEB-INF directory structure, the web server is then
able to infer the class paths and deployment descriptor for the web

In the Orion documentation (web-site and web-application xml files),
installing a web application into a web site requires mapping the web
application deployment descriptor, as opposed to the war archive or root
directory, to a specific path in the web site (as a web-app element in the
web-site.xml file).  Also, the codebase of the web application must be
specified as a classpath element of the web application DD instead of being
inferred from the /WEB-INF/lib and /WEB-INF/classes directories of the web
application archive or directory tree.

If I'm wrong about this please correct me, otherwise just wondering when you
guys expect to implement this aspect of the spec.  By the way, fantastic
server - thanks!

Regards, Jeff Tuatini

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