From: "Gregory Bohmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 3) The <classpath> entry in web-application.xml doesn't appear
> to be completely working.  I have added a directory there for my
> beans to see and it's not working.  I have to still copy all my helper
> classes to c:\orion\beans (where my EJB's are) - rather than keeping
> in some other directory.

Is it servlet/jsp's that can't see the directory, or is it EJB's?  I have
the following lines in my web-application.xml and it seems to work fine for
my servlets and JSP's :
    <!-- Classpaths used by servlets and beans -->
I added those line to the web-application.xml located in "default-site\",
not "config\".  I don't know what the difference between the two is.

Brien Voorhees

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