I think I'm nearing the end of  "classpath-related" issues in getting my
application running under Orion.  Mostly they have been resolved by
downloading new orion.jar versions.  One more, though.

The application I'm "porting" to Orion uses
System.getProperty("java.class.path") in order to set a search path for
finding certain property files.  I'm running on NT.  Under Apache/Jserv
this property returns the CLASSPATH set in the environment.  Under Orion
it is returning only "orion.jar".  I've temporarily bypassed the issue
by hard-coding "\orion\lib" instead of using java.class.path.

I've tried adding <classpath path="/orion/lib/" /> in orion-web.xml
within <orion-web-app> - this doesn't have any effect on the
java.class.path property, though.  I don't seem to find any other likely
place to set this classpath.  Hopefully I'm just missing something


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