Hello Klaus,

If you could post the relevant parts of your configuration files I think it will
help alot.

A common problem when not finding EJBs from JSPs is that they're not in the same
application, but as I understand it, it's all in one application already?

Well, if you give me the configuration files relevant to your application, I
think we can solve it. If you don't want to post them to this forum you can mail
them to me.

Karl Avedal


> We have some strange results when trying to sew our application together.
> Calling our EJBs from JSP pages worked fine for the EJB dev team, but when
> merging the different modules together to make one application after
> initial development of base modules didnt work to fine.
> We merged a Webapplication and an ejb application to one, and synchronized
> the configuration.
> But now it seems when browsing the JNDI context within JSP there is no beans
> deployed, but when using a java client we get access to the beans, and can
> browse the JNDI context ????
> Anyone have any ideas??
> /Klaus

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