Hi again,
i'm a pest, but...
While i was testing, i made also some tests with multiple clients (always
the same client as for the performance test). In almost every server side
function i have some debug messages, which produce tons of logs (BTW, these
messages do not affect the measured times significantly). And i introduced
asserts (similar to the C macro), to ensure all my variables are valid. I
observed two strange things:
1. If the JVM uses native threads (Linux), for every thread will be created
a process. Well, there are 8 java processes, all of them with the same
memory count - but only one of them is working, regardless of the number of
clients that work. Is this intended? On a 1 processor machine, it's ok, but
what if multi processing is availiable? And what purpose have the 7 other
2. More serious: Is the synchronisation between multiple clients working? My
client makes a findAll with 4737 beans and then enumerates these beans two
times to perform some getXXX operations. If 7 clients are working at the
same time, the (rare) case may occur, that one client uses a bean which then
gets activated and another client wants to use the same bean, before it is
loaded completely. Naturally this would lead to strange effects, if there is
no synchronisation. And indeed, in some cases, exactly this seems to happen
(i see it from my debug messages): 
- client 1 calls bean A
- bean A gets instanciated
- client 2 calls bean A before it is instanciated completely
--> leads to illegal variable state in the bean + exception for client 2
- client 1 gets its result as expected.
So, isn't there any synchronisation yet? Will it be in it? I did not have a
look at the spec what it says, but a synchronisation of this type is
obviously neccessary...
I could make the business methods synchronized myself, but what if the
server gets clustered ? If synchronisation is already there, could there be
some bug in orion? (i know, there could be a bug even in my code, but i
controlled it very seriously prior of writing this mail - i know, you have
enough work ;-)

Best regards,

Jens Stutte

[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.net-media.de

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