The recommended procedure for this in Orion is to create an
application-client (j2ee, with META-INF/application-client.xml etc) that
performs the task. You then set auto-start="true" on the <client-module> tag
in orion-application.xml and specify a valid user="" attribute value to run
it as in order to invoke it at server startup. We feel this procedure is the
best since it uses minimum "proprietary" technologies and is the most
portable. You will have a problem if using <resource-ref>/<ejb-ref> when
using the values you bind to the context though since the values need to be
present before the app-client is run, but for global vars/bindings it will
work fine.

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Paransky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 1:42 AM
Subject: Placing resources in to Orion/JNDI...

> I have a resource which needs to be available for all the EJB objects to
> use.  I would like to create this resource and bind it in to JNDI context.
> This is a singleton resource.  I am not sure of how to accomplish this
> Orion.  In other servers, there is a way to execute some "startup" code
> which could do this initialization for me, however, with Orion I am at
> Section 5.4 of the J2EE 1.2 Spec talks about Resource Factory References,
> which should be used to reference "factory" type of resources from the
> beans.  The problem is that the Reference, is just that, a reference to
> something else.  How do I put that "something else" in to the JNDI
> at server startup, so the reference is then valid.
> Thanks.
> -AP_

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