These are 2 separate questions. I've successfully run application clients,
and used CMP, using the J2EE RI from Sun.

1. Application clients

I write the client. It may be the same code that successfully ran using the
RI. The application-client.xml looks like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE application-client PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE
Application Client 1.2//EN'

  <description>The application client for the realtor role.</description>
    <description>A description of EjbRefName</description>

I JAR it up, include it in the EAR, and deploy.

Although there are no indications how to run app clients in the docs, I
found that to successfully run the news-app client it was just a case of

        java -jar news-client.jar NewsClient

the login prompt popped up, I went in as the admin, and entered a news item.
So that seemed to work, although I found that procedure to be highly dubious
since I don't see where the client-side stubs and things come into it. For
example, the J2EE RI returns a client JAR that is stuffed with RMI-related
classes, and I don't see how that is taking place here.

Oddly enough I can also get a prompt to pop up with my own app client,
although once it's dismissed nothing happens. Nevertheless I'm curious as to
what the proper procedures are.

2. CMP

I ran my examples for about a day before I realized that the reason that
finder methods on a CMP entity bean were returning everything, was because
no SQL was associated with the methods. This begs the question, how _do_ we
associate SQL with finder methods in the Orion scenario? I see that the
finder-method tag in orion-ejb-jar.xml ends up containing these query
strings, but where do we actually specify them in ejb-jar.xml? Or do we?

Very, very curious. This one is a show-stopper. :-)

Arved Sandstrom

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