Hi all,

Well, its about time I started learning EJB. I went to this seminar
yesterday (Sybase/Sun WhistleStop in Santa Clara, California) and even
though they were using PowerJ and Sybase app server, I was impressed at how
easy it was to use PowerJ to build a complete EJB and deploy it in the app
server. None the less, we are moving in that direction, and I would like to
figure out how to do a 2-tier setup with Orion and J2EE web site and EJB.

Ideally what I want is 2 computers. The first, front-end web server using
Orion for a controller servlet, javabeans, and jsp. The second will be an
n-tier solution, but one computer is fine for now.

First things first. Can this be done with Orion? And is this the general
capability of all app servers with J2EE support?

Now, with the above requirements, other than installing orion on two
machines, do I have to set up each Orion system to support this? Or does
just deploying the same application to both machines work? I am not quite
sure I understand the process in building an n-tier setup like this. Should
I have separate projects, in that my EJB source is separated from our
front-end code? I was thinking of using our main package, bm, and having 3
folders below, namely Presentation, Logic and Persistence. Then, after
reading about EJB, I read that it has alot of the persistence stuff in it
for you, such as connection pooling, and relation-object mapping. If this is
so, it seems like I can get rid of the Persistence folder right?

The Presentation folder would have a few subfolders. Namely, beans, servlets
and actions. The Logic package (bm.logic) would contain the ejb components,
and probably have session and entity subfolders. Does this sound like a good
layout to structure the source?

Alright..I'll make it short. Thanks for any insight into this.

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