On Sat, 1 Apr 2000, James Birchfield wrote:

> When my entity bean is getting the table auto-created, I get some null's
> showing up.  I am using the example that was posted to this site a few
> days ago as a test.  Following is what I get as an error:
> Auto-deploying ejb...
> Auto-creating table: create table Person (name char(255) not null
> primary key, nick char(255) null, description char(255) null, phone
> char(255) null)
> Warning: Error creating table: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near
> "null"
> done.
> Orion/0.9.4 initialized   
> Where are the null's coming from?

The null's indicate that null values are allowed in the column. The
reason Orion behaves that way is because differetn databases use different
defaults as to wether nulls are allowed or not.

The above SQL statement is, to my knowledge, legal ANSI-SQL so I'd imagine
that you use a limited SQL server that doesn't implement these features.
Try changing so some other (for a small, simple one you can always go for
Hypersonic SQL).

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