On Wed, 5 Apr 2000, Dale Bronk wrote:

> I have an application that uses Apache, JRun, and standard JDBC calls (no
> EJB) all in the same vm (no distributed objects).  It has it's own smtp
> mailer, connection manager/pooler, etc.  Am I going to have problems porting
> this to Orion since I see that orion uses DataSource, UserManagers, etc.
> which I know are EJB things but I am wondering if it will stop me from using
> my application as is.  I am hoping that I can simply move the code
> (servlets, jsp, and standard java objects) to Orion and simply have to
> configure Orion server.xml, etc.

You don't HAVE to use those things if you don't want to. If you already
have a homebrew user system then you can continue using that. If you write
somehting new it might be a good idea to look at the Orion stuff.

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