I'd forgotten to type the doctype for xml.
But it still doesn't work. I still get the
Internal server error: bad wml byte code.
 The code looks like below now, and I've
DL the wml_1.1.xml from wap forum and placed
it at the url that i've specified. But it
still doesn't work.
 I've also tried the response method, but the
result is still the same.

---------------[ code ]--
<%@page contentType="text/vnd.wap.wml" session="true"%><?xml

  <card id="hem" title="Budbararen">
      <a href="#sok" title="test">Test</a>

  <card id="sok" title="Soka arenden">
--------------[ code ]--

/Robert Karlsson

On Mon, 8 May 2000, Matt Krevs wrote:

> When I was messing around with WML I remember I got the same error.
> Are you specifying a doctype for your xml?
> eg in the orion config files the first 2 lines are
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE orion-application PUBLIC "-//Evermind//DTD J2EE Application
> runtime 1.2//EN" "http://www.orionserver.com/dtds/orion-application.dtd">
> Are you sepcifying the correct url for the 'wml DTD' (It would be something
> different to the one above)?

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