OK weird question here, since I worked this problem and found that orion is
placing the binding in the / heirarchy and not the java:comp/env heirarchy,
is there any reason for that???

Maybe I am lost but isnt the java:comp/env/ejb heirarchy where they should
go? (although I vaguely recall that in 1.1 it is not required to be placed
there, it seems like every other app server I have used puts them there. I
had to resort to using forte and its JNDI browser to find the hello bean
that Ernst has made.  once I found that it was a simple matter of changing
his "java:comp/ejb/hello" call to a "hello.ejb.Hello" and it was found

Probably something for Magnus or Karl to aqnswer for me. :) maybe i am just
totally confused after evaluating so many servers.


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