Hi all,

I would like to know if Orion supports server federation.

In principle I would consider two models:

Centralized Federation: All servers use the same Naming
service.Authentication and authorization is thus centralized against
this service. It is then straightforward to propagate security
information between components and stablish  security domains --for
example between EJB in server A and EJB in server B--. In this case the
MOM services (JMS) are also centralized in the unique directory.

Distributed federation: Each server has its own directory service but it
is bind to other directory service (JNDI federation or LDAP REFERRALS).
In this case it is also possible to stablish security domains between
components but , the Authorization module in server X should then follow
the referral or bind to the remote directory service to look up user
information. The security propagation is also guaranteed.

I have seen that  rmi.xml you can include references to other servers
but I am not sure if this is more aimed for clustering.

Do you have any information concerning this point ?


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