> Paul,
> There are two possibilities to your question:
> The first is giving additional class assess to the EJB's themselves, in
> case I added classes111.zip (to allow the EJB's to access Oracle directly)
> to the startup of the Orion server like so:
> export CLASSPATH=orion.jar:/home/jack/oracle/classes111.zip
> and then start Orion by running the class directly like so:
> java com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer
> because if I run it via the "java -jar" it will not see the classpath
> environment variable.
> Perhaps there is a better way to do this?

You are right in it not being ideal but it has certainly helped to point me
in the right direction.

I have set the classpaths to include all the classses needed for my EJB's
and using "java com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer" to start Orion - it
has succesfully allowed me to get Cocoon to recognise my EJB classes.

I think what I need to do now is include the correct paths in the Orion
classpath loader so that java -jar orion.jar will work. Adding the paths to
<library path="blah...."> in server.xml doesn't appear to work - but that's
another problem for another day! Anyone know how to get Orion to recognise
the classpath when using java -jar orion.jar?

Thankyou so much for this info - I can now have a nice productive afternoon
developing my Cocoon producer!  :)


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