I would agree with Darren, each developer should have their own instance of Orion Server running on their own desktop. I'm assuming their machines are big enough and if you're using any of the full featured IDE's like VisualAge, VisualCafe, or JBuilder, than they probably can handle an instance of Orion.
One of the kindest things Evermind is doing is allowing developers free use of their software for development purposes.  Allaire just recently announced that same approach, why, because when you the developers use your software they're most likely to recommend it's use for production.  I digress, sorry.
Trying to share an instance of the web server for developing servlets is futile.  I've been developing enterprise applications since 1983 on my PC, some were strictly PC apps others were mainframe Cobol, and most were distributed using C/C++ and now Java.  I can't imagine sharing a development environment with other developers at least not until you get to integrated testing.   You'll be amazed at how the time for development actually reduces and you can end up with more features and a more solid product.  If it takes someone 5 days to do something in a shared environment that would take 2 in a dedicated one, by the time the 5th day rolls around they won't feel like spending more time testing and fine tuning their piece.  
I think the biggest challenge will be to ensure you have someone who really understands the Orion environment, otherwise, all is lost.  There are a lot of developers that don't want to know how to admin a piece of software like Orion Server, they just want to be users.  If that's the case, then I would think about running multiple instances of Orion on the server for each developer or teams of developers assuming you have at least one person who now becomes a dedicated admin resource.
my 2 cents.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steven Punte
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 1:51 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Multiple User Debugging Env? Doesnt' Exist?

Dear Darren:
    Thank for you reply.  I'm coming to the same conclusion,
    and I would like to ask the Orion community at large, how
    does everyone do debugging?
    1)    Do you set up individual web servers for each developer,
            and thus use a normal debugging convention?
    2)    Is there any way to share a server, in particular, allow
            debugging by various developer of their actives, while
            allowing other user to work normally.  
    I'm coming to believe this later paradigm (i.e. "2") is not
    ever done and is probably impractical.
    What environment do you have for debugging?
    Any comments welcomed.
STeve Punte
e-Business Software Architect
Technologent Inc
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 12:18 PM
Subject: RE: Real Debuggin On Orion? How

AFAIK, there does not exist the ability to do what you're looking for with any application server/IDE combo.  I think you are going to be stuck running the entire application server in debug mode to step through the code.
While I haven't tried it with Orion, I've debugged servlets in Resin using the 1.3 JDK, the JPDA (http://java.sun.com/products/jpda/) and Forte (http://www.sun.com/forte/).  I don't see why this wouldn't work the same for Orion.
To get around the issues with multiple developers, you might want to use CVS, a central "unit test" development server, and individual servers installed on each of the developers machines.  Developers would check out the code to their local machine, test on their local copy of Orion (with the ability to run it in debugging mode without screwing everyone else up) and post their changes back to the unit test server to check for completeness.
As a side note, CVS is a good thing if you're not using it already, especially when multiple developers get into the mix...

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steven Punte
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 10:28 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Real Debuggin On Orion? How

    Thanks for the reply.
    From your description it sounds like the operation and control
    of tomcat is taken over by the IDE.  No one else would be
    able to use this server while you are in this debug mode.
    This same strategy should/must be doable for Orion or
    any other java based server.
    Perhaps my desire to have a server BOTH be running
    for some users, and also be able to support a debugging
    mode is too much to ask for.
        Steve Punte
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 10:22 AM
Subject: RE: Real Debuggin On Orion? How

Perhaps I should clarify…


Strictly speaking of servlets, not JSP’s.

Tomcat can be ‘imported’ into IBM Visual Age for Java.

Once this is done, a small java program can be written to start up tomcat from within the IBM Visual Age for Java IDE.

If a break point is set on any servlet code, since Tomcat is running within IBM Visual Age for Java, then when the browser hits the correct servlet, and the correct line of code, it will stop the servlet and show the code on the IDE in debugging mode.  At this point you can step through the program line by line.  The browser will wait until the servlet completes to show any results.


Again the full information is somewhere in www.ibm.com/vadd


Note that I used IBM Visual Age professional, which does not have WebSphere in it.




Rob Lapensee

Director of Technology

Delfour Corporation




-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Punte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 12:38 PM
To: Rob Lapensee; Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Real Debuggin On Orion? How




    Thanks for the reply. 


    This is very interesting.  So WebSphere has the ability to allow  a

    particular thread, and their dependences, to be debugged without

    putting the entire server into debug mode.   Is this a correct

    perception of you statement, or is the debugging mode taking

    over the server completely and it is not usable by other when

    in this mode?




        STeve Punte




----- Original Message -----

To: Orion-Interest

Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 4:30 AM

Subject: RE: Real Debuggin On Orion? How


Put my vote in for IBM Visual Age for Java support.


All you would need to do is get Orion to run within IBM Visual Age.  I have tried this, but it doesn’t work.

It works quite well with Tomcat, and I can debug servlets very nicely (www.ibm.com/vadd has details on how to do this).

But I would really like to be able to debug EJB’s from within the IDE.


This also begs the question of what Orion themselves are using.

Is it straight JDK, or one of the IDE’s?





Rob Lapensee

Director of Technology

Delfour Corporation




-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steven Punte
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 7:29 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Real Debuggin On Orion? How


Dear Orion, and Orion Users:


    How does one do serious servlet and server side java bean debugging

    on orion?


    I understand how I could run the jdb debugger on the entire Orion

    server, but I expect a more user friendly and productive mechanism

    on a commercial product.  In particular, I have several developers

    all using the same orion process to server from.


    Being that Orion is 100% Java, and how wonderful Java is, is 

    there, or is the Orion company working on a way, that I as

    a developer could debug a particular thread which is

    initiated by the browser I'm using?  And it would be nice

    if it an IDE could interface with it.


    Sure, it is not straight forward to implement, but something

    that is desperately needed by developers. 


    And, yes, send me a million dollars while your at it!  :-)


STeve Punte
e-Business Software Architect
Technologent Inc

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